Saturday, November 14, 2009

Prologue to Potter

Good day to all my new and loyal fans out there.  Over the course of the past few days I have rewatched all of the Harry Potter movies.  November has always reminded me of Harry Potter only because the first two had originally come out November 16th 2001, and November 15th 2002.  They also tend to have a lot of holiday charm to them, thus, this is the perfect time of year to feast your eyes upon the movies about the boy who lived.
Nonetheless, over the course of the next little while I shall be reviewing each and every single Potter movie, followed by an editorial article full of my opinions and ideas on these films.  Please keep in mind I am and have been an avid Potter fan since before the movies e.g. I read the books and was very invested in all other Potter themed things I could get my hands on.  Q.E.D. I feel that I am a credible source to put forth judgment onto these films.  I am not trying to sound conceded or anything but I want you to understand I am not a fan of one or the other but a fan of both the movies and the books, so please take my criticism with a grain of salt and enjoy the reading.

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